Hi, I'm Guillermo Senen. I'm a Product Designer made in Spain and ripened in California.
Hi, I'm Guillermo Senen. I'm a Product Designer made in Spain and ripened in California.
Leading the development of three iOS apps for Zara, initiating early product concepts, and expanding their design system. I collaborated closely with developers, providing guidance throughout the process and conducting quality control to ensure a seamless user experience.
Collaborating with Google on a series of UI/UX-related experiments. Moreover, I led the research, art direction, and design of a product case study for an app that allows users to ship boxes across cities in a reliable and affordable way.
Improving Lingoda's pricing page according to UI/UX best practices. Check out the full audit to see the process behind it.
SYNAOS is an innovative software that synchronizes autonomous systems in production and logistics. I was asked to conceptualize and design the "Filters" functionality for their search engine, as well as improving the product's UI.
MetaMask is the most popular EVM DeFi Wallet with over 30 million users, and yet it's no hidden secret everyone thinks its UX can be a bit of a struggle. This case study explores the tip of the iceberg of things MetaMask's UI/UX is getting wrong, and my solutions on how to fix them.
Opeero, a California-based startup, is developing an app that connects music festival goers in areas with no internet access. As the only product designer on the team, I was responsible for conducting research, developing concepts, designing user flows, and establishing visual styles, all in close collaboration with developers.
Crafting social media ads, email marketing campaigns, and sales collateral that improved and consolidated the company’s brand. I initiated and led a complete switch from static image emails to custom-programmed, responsive, live-text emails.
One of my favorite things in the world is grocery shopping — no joke. With this watchOS app, you can easily access an Amazon Go store using your QR code, track a list of items you’ve picked up from the shelves, and set a budget that will automatically update itself as you add new items to your shopping cart.
This project is strictly a concept and is in no way affiliated with Amazon.com, Inc.
These portraits reflect my love for architecture, negative space, bold colors, and simple shapes.